White Tara Thangka (Finished finally!)

8 08 2015

Started: October 10, 2010

Finished: August 4, 2015

Number of hours: 558 hours

Techniques: Tambourwork, Ajour embroidery, surface embroidery

Materials: cotton evenweave fabric, Husi silk fabric, silk and  rayon threads, metallic and polyester threads, cotton threads

Dimensions: 68 cm wide x 88 cm high

The White Tara embroidered thangka’s main design is based on a work by Tibetan thangka painting master Migmar Tsering. I mainly used the Handbook of Tibetan Buddhist Symbols by Robert Beer for the details and meanings.

Embroidered Thangka

Embroidered Thangka

More details and close-ups:

with sisha glass

The eight auspicious substances

The lotus flower

The right hand giving the boon-granting mudra, the left hand the mudra of giving refuge.

The White Tara holds a lotus, which grows from the dark murky lakes but remains pure.

The White Tara holds a lotus, which grows from the dark murky lakes but remains pure.

The red sun symbolizes the feminine aspect of wisdom, while the white moon represents the male aspect of method or compassion.

The red sun symbolizes the feminine aspect of wisdom, while the white moon represents the male aspect of method or compassion.

For those interested to see the back part.

For those interested to see the back part.

Selfie on sisha glass

Selfie on sisha glass

I am not Tibetan, nor am I a practicing Buddhist, but I read texts on Buddhist philosophy and way of life.

I wonder what unfinished project will be completed next.  ^_^

WIP: White Tara Thangka Update

23 11 2013

Yes, I am still stitching. I was busy with exams and other stuffs.

The artwork is based on a tibetan thangka painting by master Migmar Tsering. (photo from www.chinatibet.people.com.cn)

Migmar Tsering

Migmar Tsering

(Jan. 22, 2011) After 222 hours…

after 229 hours

(Nov. 23, 2013) After 342 hours…(click on the picture for a larger view.)

After 342h

After 342h

This is so far my largest needleart. Can you find the needle?

My asian ball-jointed doll update

7 04 2013

Still sculpting it…


Tulips II

8 10 2011

Tulips II

Acrylic painting on fiberboard

100 x 50 cm

October 8, 2011

It is my 2nd painting this year and it looks different from the  last one. I decided to leave the contour lines and paint them with some more black. The brush strokes are smoother than my first tulips. I also thought I would try plain background, since I think it looks more artificial and 2dimensional.

Tulips I

30 08 2011

Tulips I
Acrylic painting on fiberboard
70 x 100cm

(For larger view, click on the photo.)

For me, a flower is the  face of a plant and this painting is like another portraiture.

I always liked flowers because of their colors. I especially like them when they are fully bloomed or when they are starting to wilt, when the petals start to curl out.

The Golden Circle wins “Public´s Favorite” Award in the German Lace Guild exhibition

14 03 2011

Despite being disqualified in the competition, my embroidered lace was allowed to be shown in the exhibition and be voted in the Public´s Favorite Award.

Thank you so much to the members of the German Lace Guild for the award!

Obwohl mein bestickte Spitze in dem Wettbewerb disqualifiziert wurde, darf sie in der Ausstellung gezeigt werden und als  “Publikumsliebling” abgestimmt werden.

Vielen Dank an die Mitglieder der Deutschen Spitzengilde e.V für die Vergabe!

The Golden Circle

14 03 2011

update March 14, 2011:  The Golden Circle wins “Public´s Favorite” Award at the 25th Foundation Anniversary of the German Lace Guild!

Der Goldene Kreis gewinnt “Publikumsliebling” auf der 25. Jubiläumsjahr der Deutschen Spitzengilde e.V. !

updated March 10, 2011: The Golden Cirle is disqualified from the competition (I posted this blog which is considered as publicly exhibiting the work prior to the contest proper.)

Der Goldene Kreis ist vom Wettbewerb ausgeschlossen (ich habe in diesem Blog darüber berichtet,und galt als Veröffentlichung eines Werkes vor dem Wettbewerb .)

The Golden Circle (Der Goldene Kreis)

Started: February 2, 2011

Finished: March 2, 2011

Number of Hours: 128 hours (128 Stunde)

Techniques: Tambourwork, Cutwork, Bead embroidery

Materials: Black Silk fabric, metallic threads, seed beads, sequins

Size: 39cm x 36cm

The theme for this year´s German Lace Guild competition is “The Circle”. This 2011 the guild is celebrating its 25th year of existence.

I got inspired by how everything is connected and how we hurt ourselves if we hurt everything else in nature, including our fellow human beings. The intertwining of stylized acanthus plant in ornamental designs reminds me of this complex network.

Das Thema des diesjährigen Wettbewerbs der Deutschen Spitzengilde e.V. ist “Der Kreis”. Die Spitzengilde feiert ihr 25. Jubiläum dieses Jahr.

Meine Inspiration ist die Wahrheit dass wir alle miteinander verbunden sind. Dass wir uns selbst schaden, wenn wir andere Lebewesen verletzten, einschließlich unserer Mitmenschen. Die Verflechtung von stilisierten Akanthus-Werk in ornamentalen Mustern erinnert mich an dieses komplexe Netzwerk.

Playing with the sunshine…

Ein Spiel mit der Sonne …

worksofhands Berlin

Reminiscing 2010

10 03 2011

I almost forgot to make a review of my blog in the year 2010. So here it is.

I finished 8 needlework projects and painted 11 tambourwork roses.

I won a competition too.

And got featured in Country Bumpkin´s Inspiration magazine.

I learned to do boutis quilting, appliqué quilting, silk thread painting, stumpwork and tambourwork embroidery. I also started to learn how to make a ball-jointed doll.

I went to Florence, Italy and went needlework store-hopping.

I got to finish projects I started last 2009.

I joined HEN´s online exhibition but didn´t know what happened to the results, because the whole thing just disappeared from the cyberworld. lol.

I promised to keep on painting, but finished only 2 watercolor paintings in 2010.

I also started a lot of new projects, but never got to finish them before the end of the year. Some of these might never be finished before I die and some of these might be finished this year.

Cherish Bear

White Tara Thangka

More Trees in Spring

I hope 2011 will be a better year.

worksofhands Berlin.

“C&V” Ring Pillow (Ringkissen)

8 03 2011

Started: March 3, 2011

Finished: March 8, 2011

Number of Hours: 32 hours

Materials: Pineapple/Silk Natural Fabric, Black Mesh, Styro-foam, Cardboard, Beads, Metallic threads, Gold wire purls (smooth & check), gold ribbon

Techniques: Tambourwork embroidery, Goldwork Embroidery, Box making, Bead Embroidery

This ring pillow is my gift to my friends and former housemates for their wedding. I have to finish the work in less than week and hope that the parcel will reach Manila at least a few days before the wedding day. Right after finishing the Golden Circle, I set up to work on this project.

Dieser Ring Kissen ist mein Geschenk an meine Freunde und ehemaligen Mitbewohner für ihre Hochzeit. Ich habe versucht, die Arbeit in weniger als eine Woche fertig zu sticken,  und hoffe, dass das Päckchen ein paar Tage vor dem Hochzeitstag in Manila ankommt. Nach Vollendung der “Golden Circle“, habe ich an diesem Projekt gleich gearbeitet.

I researched online on ring pillows, and decided to create something unique. I once saw online a picture of a royal ceremony, where the “necklace” or “crown” was presented on a box like cushion, embroidered with gold. So I thought why not make a ring cushion box instead of a traditional pillow.

Since I am starting to appreciate the ornamental aspect of decorative arts, I combined ornamental elements and chose the monograms as the center focus of the design.

Ich habe nach Ring Kissen recherchiert und beschlossen, dass ich eigentlich etwas Einzigartiges schaffen will. Einmal sah ich online ein Bild von einer königlichen Zeremonie, wo die “Kette” oder “Krone” auf einer mit Stoff bezogene Kiste  präsentiert wurde, mit Goldstickerei. Also dachte ich, warum eigentlich nicht, einen Ring Kissen machen, der wie eine Kiste aussieht, anstelle eines herkömmlichen Kissen.

Da ich  anfange, die Kunstgewerbe zu schätzen, habe ich Elementen aus der Ornamentik kombiniert und wählte die Monogramme als zentrales Thema.

Though I can´t be with them on their wedding day, I wish “C” and “V” more happy years together!

Obwohl ich bei ihnen am Tag ihrer Hochzeit nicht sein können , wünsche ich “C”und “V” noch viele glückliche Jahre zusammen!

worksofhands Berlin

Another Bobbinlace Collar (noch ein geklöppelter Spitzenkragen)

16 02 2011

Started July, 2008, I finished the collar on September 2008. It is made entirely of white DMC perle coton.

Gestartet Juli 2008 habe ich diesen Kragen am September 2008 fertig geklöppelt.

Material: weißem DMC perle coton

This is my second bobbinlace collar. The pattern came from an OOP japanese book on bobbinlace by Aya Tamotsu Hukuyama. My first teacher on bobbin lace making was a japanese lacemaker, Asako-san, and she lent me the book.

Dies ist mein zweiter geklöppelte Spitzenkragen. Das Muster kommt aus einem japanischen Buch von Aya Tamotsu Hukuyama. Meine erste Lehrerin im Klöppeln war eine japanische Klöpplerin, Asako-san, und hat mir das Buch geliehen.

Here is a WIP photo (Hier ist ein WIP Foto) :

I mounted the collar lace on a lightweight foamboard covered with a dark fabric.

Ich habe den Kragen auf einem leichten Foamboard montiert, einem dunklen Stoff bezogend.